"Andrews Bible Commentary" Available at GC Session

   校园新闻 |发布于2022年5月16日

bet365中文大学 will partner with other organizations to operate a small Adventist Book Shop in St. 路易, 密苏里州, as a service particularly for international delegates during the 61st 基督复临安息日会 General Conference Session to be held June 6–11, Andrea Luxton说, 总统.

Luxton said that the primary purpose of Andrews’ participation in the book shop is to introduce the new “Andrews Bible Commentary” to the world church. The two-volume concise Commentary has been a ten-year project commissioned and funded by the General Conference and bet365中文大学, involving more than 60 biblical scholars from around the world.

“This Commentary project marks a huge event in Adventist publishing history,” Luxton said. “It was conceptualized specifically to be a concise, two-volume work where the scholars of the church produce a truly accessible commentary for the people of the church. And they did all that work under the expert guidance of General Editor Angel Rodriguez, former director of the General Conference Biblical 研究 Institute.”

Luxton said the small book shop will be located in the Hampton Inn at 333 Washington Street, 简单的六分钟, two-block walk from the America’s Center Convention Complex where the GC Session business will be held.

“There will be hundreds of delegates and their guests at the GC Session. With today’s huge challenges in supply chains and international shipping, it is extremely difficult to get books efficiently and inexpensively to other places. 这家小书店, just around the corner from the Session Hall, will be the place where delegates and their families can purchase the Andrews Bible Commentary and other books for themselves and for others back home,”她说。. “安德鲁大学, as the church’s flagship education 机构, has an obligation to use every reasonable opportunity to make the Commentary, and these other important works, accessible to other parts of the world.”

Besides the Andrews Bible Commentary, other books from bet365中文大学 Press will be available, 史蒂芬·佩恩说, University spokesperson and assistant to the 总统 for university and public affairs.

“安德鲁大学 Press is the primary academic publishing house to serve the world church,佩恩说. He noted that Andrews has operated the Press for more than 50 years, publishing the works of major church thinkers and writers including Gerhard Hasel, 乔治·奈特, 正常的开槽, Ranko假摔, 加尔文的岩石, 还有很多其他的.

Payne said that other organizations and business partners featuring books in the shop will include the General Conference Biblical 研究 Institute, publisher of Richard Davidson’s new “Song for the Sanctuary;” Types & 符号, a private publisher of high-quality editions of the “Conflict Beautiful,” Ellen White’s Conflict of the Ages series, and the Light and Life collection, 其中包括“走向基督?,” “Christ’s Object Lessons” and “Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings;” and Pacific Press Publishing Association, which will offer a selection of key titles, 包括一个重要的新版本, “三位天使的信息”,” a compilation of Ellen White’s writings on that foundational Adventist topic.

Payne noted this year’s General Conference Session will be the first one in decades that does not include a huge exhibit hall where various church organizations profile their work. “The world response to the global pandemic required a different approach to doing church business at a Session,佩恩说. “Andrews understands and supports the Session Management decision not to have an exhibit hall for this Session, and we are major sponsors of the General Conference online Virtual Exhibit Hall. At the same time, a bookstore is not an exhibit. It is a vital service to the church. The twin engines of our movement, 在圣灵之下, 讲道和书籍, and when large number of Adventists from around the world are gathered in one place, they expect to be able to take home the best books the church has.”

The Adventist Book Shop will be open Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. 到2点.m.下午5点到9点.m.星期五早上9点.m. 到晚上7点.m., and Saturday, June 11, 9–11 p.m.

More information about the sponsors of the book shop is as follows: bet365中文大学 Press at universitypress.bet365中文.edu; Types & 符号在 typesandsymbols.com; Biblical 研究 Institute at adventistbiblicalresearch.org; Pacific Press Publishing Association at pacificpress.com/.
